Our Services



We love to collaborate and offer an analytical and integrated approach to projects of any size.


Brand Alignment for Marketing and HR | Internal and External Communication

DISC Profile for Hiring and Training | Candidate Screening and Interviewing

Job Descriptions and Employee Handbooks | Policies and Procedures Documentation

Communication Training for Teams | Relationship Selling and Customer Service

DISC Personality Assessment for Leaders | General Consulting and Strategic Planning


Small business owners have many roles to play. We understand you may be outside of your comfort zone when dealing with certain business aspects. Or maybe you just don’t have the time or have recently lost a key player. Whatever the case, we can help.

Our goal is to be able to provide small business owners with increased business resources and a deeper management bench on an as needed basis.

Whether it’s coming in to analyze current structure and strategy, or aligning supporting documents, we can help with any step in the process of driving your business forward. Marrying the big picture with the details is what we do best.


Who are you? Human Resources. Hiring. Team training. Staff development. Do all these areas reflect your corporate identity?

Attract the right people and set the right expectations from the start. Carefully crafted hiring materials and job descriptions set you and your employees up for success from the beginning of your relationship. When your job descriptions are clearly defined and tie tightly to your employee handbook and departmental processes, then your staff knows exactly what is expected of them. 

At Paper Doll we have systems for drafting materials that can be applied to any small business. We can adopt our program to your existing formats or work with you to overhaul your hiring, onboarding, and training programs.


The foundation of you business is your strategic plan. A successful business owner has a goal in mind and an idea of the steps needed to get there. Putting your plan on paper is the first step.

Assessing whether your staffing plan, job descriptions, work flow and basic organization supports those goals is a critical next step. Job descriptions, company policies, departmental procedures and delivery processes should be linked together – all in support of the strategic plan. We can help you assess your current structure and goals, align supporting documents and assist in communication strategies.


Not everyone is a fan of slowing down and putting procedures on paper, but it’s the smart way to do business. Well-communicated plans and policies require professional business documentation to back them up. There are many great resources that enable you to keep training materials and departmental procedures in a live database.

Why is this really important? In a small business it’s very easy for your staff to wear many hats and, like you, get pulled in many different directions. With the right people this can be manageable. But as a business grows and expands, this can make onboarding of new staff members a challenge. Poorly defined roles can also lead to an unclear chain of command and staff members who end up stepping on each other’s toes. Prevent frustration and challenging team dynamics by putting systems ahead of goals.

A periodic review of your routine processes is like getting an annual check up at the doctor. Make sure all systems really are go! And that your staff is engaged and committed to them.


Improving communication requires a clear understanding of the message you want to send to your customers, and a dedication to fostering your corporate goals and identity within your organization. When internal communication is married with your branding strategy, then who you say you are will be who you really are. Allowing you to once again attract and keep the right people – your ideal customers.

We take an integrated approach to PR, ensuring your internal and external communication are in sync. From your hiring practices to your marketing, we’ll help you fine-tune your message and reinforce your brand identity.


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